
Command and conquer renegade stuck on objects
Command and conquer renegade stuck on objects

command and conquer renegade stuck on objects command and conquer renegade stuck on objects

As you go through the missions you'll see vintage C&C elements - Orcas flying overhead, SAM Sites shooting at passing enemy aircraft, Gunboats bombarding from offshore positions. Q: What are you adding to make sure Renegade looks and feels like C&C?Ī: It's always the little things. Renegade takes place at the same time as the original C&C and the fiction stays the same - even some of the missions are the same, just experienced from a first-person perspective. Q: How does Renegade change the Command & Conquer universe?Ī: It doesn't change. It's through him that we're really able to bring players down to ground zero in the war between GDI and Nod. The more we thought about the Commando, the more the idea for the action game came into focus. In C&C, he's about six pixels tall, but made a huge impression on us and the public with the sarcastic comments he delivered just before blowing up a building. We loved the fast and furious action, the fascinating back-story, and the exotic settings and realized that it would be perfect for an action game. Q: So, why an action game in the Command & Conquer universe, home to your strategy games?Ī: The idea for Renegade actually came about when we were developing the original Command & Conquer in 1992.

Command and conquer renegade stuck on objects